About the Pod

Sports are a vast and complicated domain with hundreds of games and thousands of teams. Some of us get into it as kids, and grow up as sports fans because of family or school or friend influence. Some of us find (or re-find) sports as an adult. But! Coming into sports later in life can be confusing and hard! People expect you to know things like the rules and the strategy and what the hell an in-field fly or a penalty kill or a alley oop are, and if you don’t share the lingo and the knowledge base with all the folks already talking about the sport of your choice, it can be an impenetrable thicket that turns you away from becoming a sports fan.

Foul Puck mourns for those lost sports fans. Being a sports fan is fun! So Foul Puck is on a mission: introduce people of all ages, races, genders, backgrounds to sports at an understandable level, and share our unbridled and somewhat ridiculous levels of enthusiasm with each other, and with our listeners.

Foul Puck is right there with you: Rachel has only just sorted out what the hell those dots on the hockey rink are for. Rebecca really does not understand the difference between a regular foul and a technical foul. Nancy knows exactly fuck-all about batting averages. But friend, we are going to learn together, and we are going to have fun doing it!

Join us.